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Paraw World is looking for creative designs for our beautiful paraws. If you are an artist, designer, or a creative spirit who would like to become a partner, submit your idea sketches to us.


Please see our form below to sign up to become an artist.

What is Paraw World?

Paraw World is inspired by the history of traditional sailing in the Philippines and the beauty of the iconic Paraw (wind-powered sailboat) which is usualy found in the Western side of the Visayas. Paraw World is a social enterprise that aims to support sustainability in both human lives and the environment by applying commercial strategies.

What is the mission of Paraw World?



We believe that every tradition is worth preserving. Our colorful miniature Paraws bring joy into the lives of thousands of people and create awareness and raise funds for the conservation of traditional shipbuilding craftsmanship in the Philippines.

Who are Paraw World artists?

Paraw World miniatures are created by upcoming and seasoned artists and celebrities from the Philippines.

Can artists do whatever design they want?

Artists are generally free to submit any design they want. However, Paraw World does not accept designs that are offensive or political in nature. 

The artist is first asked to make their design on paper or digitally. When Paraw World has approved the design, the artist is asked to execute the work on an actual miniature paraw, that will be given to the artist by Paraw World.

Do the artists make money from their contribution?

Artists receive a one-time fee for their design once approved by Paraw World.

Who will paint the replicas of the artist's design?

Paraw World's talented studio artists will use the original design to paint on our miniature paraws.

How can the artists subit their design idea?

Artists can submit their design idea via email: or use the form below.

For more information email


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Thanks for your submission! We'll get back to you soon.

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